This is a set of photographs taken during July 2008 of the Back lot tour ride at Disneyland Paris.
The ride is similar to the one at Orlando but the tour doesnt start on foot, each tour is done on the trams which you stay on until you return back to the loading bay.
Each trip lasts about 15 minutes and you have plenty of time for taking pictures during this trip.
I actually preferred this ride to the one we had done previously in Orlando back in Febraury, apart from been allot newer than the Orlando Back lot tour the duration was just right and didnt involve the pre show antics which are featured in Florida.
The Backlot tour ride opened in Walt Disney Studios, Disneyland Paris in March 2002 when the studios part of Disneyland Paris area was opened.
One of the shuttles from Armegeddon, obviously the one that didnt get blown up on entering the asteroid.
Various film items along the full stretch of the back lot tour, half of which I have no idea where they came from.
More props.
Items from 102 Dalmations.
Catastrophe Canyon.
Around the back of the above stunt, its suprising how big this set really is and the amount of water thatโs required.
Some of the pumps for the above set.
I think these are from Pearl Harbour
Costume department, Below the clothes from Narnia.
Loads of cars from the movies. too many to mention.
This is a London Street from reign of fire.
Crushed Volvo.
More cars from 101 Dalmations.
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